Foto de Gianfranco

Gianfranco Lombardo

Software Engineer | AI Engineer



Free Headlines
Free Headlines

AI-powered agent for detecting sexist and misogynistic bias in headlines.

  • Social Impact
  • Agents
  • LLM
  • LangChain
Ruta Sostenible
Ruta Sostenible

Calculate your carbon footprint while traveling and offset it.

  • Social Impact
  • Carbon Footprint
  • Angular
  • Firebase
TuHuella NuestraHuella
TuHuella NuestraHuella

Calculate how each of your actions affects your carbon footprint.

  • Social Impact
  • Carbon Footprint
  • Angular
  • Firebase

NGO that aims to provide a technological platform for receiving donations to other NGOs.

  • Social Impact
  • NGOs
  • PHP
  • Wordpress
Criaturas Magicas Reales
Criaturas Magicas Reales

Project that merges generative AI to create photorealistic magical creatures from literary descriptions.

  • Experimental
  • LLM
  • Text-to-image
  • LangChain
Fundamental Analysis with One Click
Fundamental Analysis with One Click

Platform for quickly and easily conducting fundamental analysis of companies.

  • Investments
  • Personal Finance
  • Angular
  • Firebase


Sexism in the Media: How AI Detects What Sometimes Goes Unnoticed
Sexism in the Media: How AI Detects What Sometimes Goes Unnoticed
Agents: a new level of abstraction in programming
Agents: a new level of abstraction in programming
Are you using ChatGPT correctly, though… 🤔 (Prompt engineering)
Are you using ChatGPT correctly, though… 🤔 (Prompt engineering)
Fundamental analysis with a click
Fundamental analysis with a click
3 simple steps to detect gender disparity
3 simple steps to detect gender disparity
Didactic and pedagogical content?
Didactic and pedagogical content?